GMIA, Inc offers co-marketing reimbursement to our agents on a quarterly basis for most general Medicare marketing activities including:
- Printing and postage for mailers, postcards, flyers.
- Lead and lead list purchases
- Advertising for social media, newspaper, magazines, and online ads.
- General Marketing expenses for Medicare marketing and educational events
- … and more.
All marketing reimbursement is on a first come first serve basis. Be sure to request to reserve funds below, as well as submit your receipts right away after you paid the invoice.
Reserve Co-Marketing Funds
Submit Co-Marketing Receipts
Co-Marketing reimbursement varies by Quarter and we only guarantee reimbursement for those funds that were pre-approved with our office ahead of time. In order to get pre-approved for marketing funds, make sure you submit your request for co-marketing approval using the link below. Once approved, your approval will indicate the amount of funds we are reserving for you and the co-marketing reimbursement percentage.
ATTENTION! All agents accepting Co Marketing reimbursement funds must sign a Co-op Marketing Reimbursement Agreement. This must be completed for each year you receive reimbursement.
We must have full, itemized receipts that indicate the vendor, amount spent, date, and product/service purchased in order to reimburse marketing money spent. We will also need a copy of the marketing piece (i.e. postcard, flyer, letter, ad, etc) uploaded with the receipt. Please upload and submit your marketing receipts and marketing piece at the link below.
ATTENTION! Make sure your reserved COOP funds and received approval before you submit receipts.
DISCLAIMER: **In order ensure reimbursement, we recommend waiting for co-marketing approval from our office before placing your marketing orders.
DISCLAIMER: **WAIT! Did you receive pre-approval for your marketing spend? We can only guarantee reimbursement for money spent for those that received pre-approval.
Please call the office at 480-726-2160 with any questions.