

UHC-Member Experience Programs (2PM)


Member Experience Programs - Help members get the most from their UHC Plan by learning how they can utilize our Housecalls, Navigate 4ME and Social Government Referral Program for support https://zoom.us/j/92441299040?pwd=UDk1ZWdSbU9xSERqa1Y5UENqZHhqdz09  

DEVOTED-Grassroots marketing and social media(12pm EST)


Grassroots marketing and social media We'll cover grassroots marketing and social media to build relationships and engage in the local community. Learn how to create brand awareness, drive sales, and generate referrals using these strategies. https://devotedhealth.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iNCK08OVTrmzYjicEN_wfQ?utm_campaign=%5BBroker%5D%20Trainings&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=288756593&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_lDNqLWzH3RZnwhJ8lt51ZwC18rkpwrBbH-vzG_VeYroPuhNhpDqJNVjGRUCVmzMD7yD_9_2g5Y21srifmuYKm6mlF1A&utm_content=288756593&utm_source=hs_email#/registration

UHC-Dental Hearing Vision for MA/MA-PD(11am cst)


UnitedHealthcare's new enhanced dental benefit will give your members even more to smile about.  UnitedHealthcare Vision benefits provide services that help protect our members' eyesight and save them money on eyewear. Members can get a yearly routine eye exam at […]

UHC-D-SNP Opportunity(1pm cst)


Grow your book of business while assisting consumers with unique needs! This training covers the benefits of having a D-SNP, the sales and marketing opportunity, and how to start a sales conversation helping dual eligible consumers. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwofu6ppjkuHdfxHCWeahNR-ZtTqKAHw3g4#/registration

UHC-UHC Plans in Practice (2PM)


UHC Plans in Practice - This session will focus on simplifying and showing a different way of relating UHC plans & benefits in Phoenix Market, focusing on the member needs. https://zoom.us/j/92812463948?pwd=VE9kdk5STUNmQ1Jxemg0ZVZEM3hHZz09#success

UHC-Understanding K, L, & N(1pmPT)


Understanding K, L, & N in AK, AZ, CA, HI, OR & WA for AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans insured by UnitedHealthcare® Insurance Company Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iyFcqXmoSRKMeQA-NoE8MA#/registration