UHC-Virtual Coffee and Chat
Webinar , United StatesVirtual Coffee and Chat - Important Updates, Quick Tips & Special Guest Speaker Spotlight: Melinda Knauss https://zoom.us/j/96448613160?pwd=ZllrZjNYdU1YWWUyaGdRV054VDg4Zz09#success
Virtual Coffee and Chat - Important Updates, Quick Tips & Special Guest Speaker Spotlight: Melinda Knauss https://zoom.us/j/96448613160?pwd=ZllrZjNYdU1YWWUyaGdRV054VDg4Zz09#success
Join us for a deep dive into Medicare and Humana-specific tools, benefits and services. This training has a new-to-Medicare component, but we have a large agenda covering our tools, veteran's training, supplements, dental & Vision. This is a 2-day training, […]
UnitedHealthcare® Dental, Vision, Hearing Plans (DVH) Training in AZ, CA & HI Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eiKbrMu5Sp-I6BRVtLWvMw#/registration
CSNP: Chronic Special Needs Plan - IN PERSON - RSVP to [email protected] - Learn more about plans designed to help those with Diabetes or Heart Conditions and the SPECIAL ELECTION PERIODS that apply. Archwell - Mesa Southern
Join us for a deep dive into Medicare and Humana-specific tools, benefits and services. This training has a new-to-Medicare component, but we have a large agenda covering our tools, veteran's training, supplements, dental & Vision. This is a 2-day training, […]
Wellness Extra Benefits for AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans insured by UnitedHealthcare® in AK, AZ, CA, HI, OR & WA Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-dF2Vh8gTCyO5SLW9bkWEw#/registration
AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans insured by UnitedHealthcare® Insurance Company of America (UHICA) in Arizona Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5muT76vUSWWhiK0HurvHwQ#/registration
Find and Engage Consumers - IN PERSON - RSVP to [email protected] - Creative solutions to engaging consumers in your local market. CenterWell - Glendale
Grassroots Marketing - IN PERSON - RSVP to [email protected] - Partnering with local community groups and resources.
Humana New Agent Training - Arizona Register: https://humana.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcudOqtqT4tHN0cNTs26pJlDBd_6-DqNzNI#/registration