

UHC-D-SNP Opportunity (12PM CENTRAL)

Webinar , United States

Grow your book of business while assisting consumers with unique needs! This training will review the basics of Dual Special Need Plans (DSNP), eligibility requirements, best practices for success in the DSNP market and recommendations for enrolling and retaining DSNP […]

UHC-Dental, Vision, Hearing Plans(9amPT)

Webinar , United States

UnitedHealthcare® Dental, Vision, Hearing Plans in Arizona & California for AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans insured by UnitedHealthcare® Insurance Company Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FZZhgsocRuyE10c-Ou_0iQ#/registration

UHC-New Agent Orientation (11AM CENTRAL)

Webinar , United States

Welcome to your partnership with UnitedHealthcare! This training begins your journey to sales success and includes live demo and an overview of training resources available to agents, such as Jarvis, Learning Lab, LEAN, UnitedHealthcare Agent Toolkit and more. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYtceivqDorH9zlHNicm0jagnwrd4-NcaXo#/registration

Humana-Coffee Hour 8AM MST

Webinar , United States

Join us every other Tuesday morning from 8-9am. We will alternate between an Open Forum session and a second session where we invite a Guest Speaker from another Humana Department. Registration:https://humana.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMoc--qrzouHND9Phy27UkoQfYduwsx1M2L#/registration  

UHC-Low Income Subsidy (LIS) (10AM)

Webinar , United States

Low Income Subsidy (LIS) - Take your knowledge of LIS to the next level. Learn HOW to use LIS to create referral relationships in the community by providing a service that most people don't know even exist. https://zoom.us/j/97891205506?pwd=OFdNb095c0xnbnRrajl5MmxTMWRpdz09

UHC Agent Toolkit and Sales Materials Portal (12PM CENTRAL)

Webinar , United States

Grow your business with Advertisements, Flyers, Postcards, Invitations, Presentations, Brochures and more! The UnitedHealthcare Toolkit gives you access to hundreds of marketing materials, which are all pre-approved by UnitedHealthcare and CMS. Increase sales and member loyalty by understanding details of […]

WELLCARE-Dual and Chronic Training

Webinar , United States


WELLCARE-American Leagion Training AZ

Webinar , United States

American Legion Training https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%3Ameeting_YzFjNDZlMTgtYzBlMS00NDNhLWI2ZjUtNDE3MzBkZDQyMjA3%40thread.v2%2F0%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%2522f45ccc07-e57e-4d15-bf6f-f6cbccd2d395%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%252218477f44-b71f-4c38-a97c-096341fff98f%2522%257d%26anon%3Dtrue&type=meetup-join&deeplinkId=728db965-97a4-4bdb-9baf-1fa0a7688e61&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&suppressPrompt=true

UHC-UCard Experience: Member Journey for MA/MA-PD(11AM CENTRAL)

Webinar , United States

A follow up to "The UCard Experience" which focused on UCard basics, this session takes a deeper dive into how your existing and future members can benefit from UnitedHealthcare's new UCard. Grow your business by promoting all the advantages the […]