

CIGNA-CignaforBrokers and Producers’ University Overview(4pmET)


CignaforBrokers and Producers' University Overview CignaforBrokers provides you single-sign-on access to Producers' University, CustomPoint, Salesforce, and more. Producers' University is your one-stop shop for many resources to help elevate your sales. Ideal for brokers new to Cigna Healthcare, this training […]

UHC-Dental, Vision, Hearing Plans(3pmPT)

Webinar , United States

UnitedHealthcare® Dental, Vision, Hearing Plans for AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans in NV & TX Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dOwK2or3Q1G6BsKGvumRTw#/registration

DEVOTED-Member retention strategy & OEP Review(9am EST)

Webinar , United States

Member retention strategy and Open Enrollment Period (OEP) review We'll help ensure that your clients are satisfied with their Devoted Health plan, and review OEP reminders so you can prep to sell. https://devotedhealth.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QXgs7RTORl6TFOmc2e1wLg?utm_campaign=%5BBroker%5D%20Trainings&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=288756593&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--QNKvLgJVkgcTQYfcvmqQRv3_i9RoXzIyoj7JYMTEUEXjIj4xNMo5hN-Z2YaxfTzS4FxMj6rcHErS-Ge-9HHqf2u5GQw&utm_content=288756593&utm_source=hs_email#/registration


Webinar , United States

ConnectureDRX Learn how to use one of Cigna Healthcare's online enrollment tools, ConnectureDRX. This informative training will prepare you to conduct compliant enrollments both virtually and in-person. Thursday, Jan. 11 10am – 11am ET Register

UHC-MA-OEP Overview(11am cst)


Enroll consumers in the right plan at the right time! This training will review the MA-OEP Election Period with scenario-based examples, training resources and best practices for successful enrollments. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcudOytrzwjGdH27Rxm_-lpFhRovF20beDO#/registration

UHC-Value of a Local Agent(2pm AZ)

Webinar , United States

Value of a Local Agent - Differentiators, How to & Proven strategies for a growing a successful Medicare business with strong retention and referrals. https://zoom.us/j/96176251346?pwd=RUtwMVpmL3d0bmcwcjdmMzgrNVIrQT09#success

CIGNA-Healthy Today Card(4pmET)

Webinar , United States

Cigna Healthy Today Card Join us to learn more about the Cigna Healthy Today card which provides a one-card solution for easy access to many of our Medicare Advantage supplemental benefits. Thursday, Jan. 11 4pm – 5pm ET Register

DEVOTED-Member retention strategy & OEP Review(12pm EST)

Webinar , United States

Member retention strategy and Open Enrollment Period (OEP) review We'll help ensure that your clients are satisfied with their Devoted Health plan, and review OEP reminders so you can prep to sell. https://devotedhealth.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QXgs7RTORl6TFOmc2e1wLg?utm_campaign=%5BBroker%5D%20Trainings&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=288756593&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--QNKvLgJVkgcTQYfcvmqQRv3_i9RoXzIyoj7JYMTEUEXjIj4xNMo5hN-Z2YaxfTzS4FxMj6rcHErS-Ge-9HHqf2u5GQw&utm_content=288756593&utm_source=hs_email#/registration