

UHC-Dental, Vision, Hearing Plans(9amPT)

Webinar , United States

UnitedHealthcare® Dental, Vision, Hearing Plans in AZ & CA for AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans insured by UnitedHealthcare® Insurance Company Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yMf0b5jFS_223tn0F8ReZQ#/registration

UHC- MA-OEP Overview(12pm cst)

Webinar , United States

Enroll consumers in the right plan at the right time! This training will review the MA-OEP Election Period with scenario-based examples, training resources and best practices for successful enrollments.

UHC-Marketing and Growing Your Med Supp Business(1pmCT)

Webinar , United States

Marketing and Growing your AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans Business in NM, NV, OK, TX & UT Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OS9s3mtMS8SV61ixwa7Dgw#/registration

UHC-Chronic Special Needs Plan(1pm AZ)

Webinar , United States

UnitedHealthcare Chronic Special Needs Plan (C-SNP) - Learn more about plans designed to help those with Diabetes or Heart Conditions and the SPECIAL ELECTION PERIODS that apply. https://zoom.us/j/96080254776?pwd=V1NQengyWFVGUG9zK1RLMGVCb3dSZz09

UHC-LEAN for AARP Medicare Supplement Plans(2pm cst)

Webinar , United States

LEAN™ is the one stop shop for agents to efficiently enroll members into UnitedHealthcare Medicare Plans. In this training session we will be going over all three signature options for AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans from UnitedHealthcare®; electronic signature, remote […]

CIGNA-Low Income Subsidy(4pmET)

Webinar , United States

Low Income Subsidy Join us to learn about changes in the Low Income Subsidy (LIS) program and how these changes impact Medicare beneficiaries, while learning how to leverage the LIS Quarterly Special Enrollment Period to build your business throughout the […]

CIGNA-Dental, Vision, & Hearing(10amET)

Webinar , United States

Dental, Vision, & Hearing Dental, vision, and hearing benefits are often the deciding factor in making a plan decision. Drive sales by learning how to position these key benefits. Wednesday, Jan. 17 10am – 11am ET Register

UHC-UCard Experience: Member Journey for MA/MA-PD(12pm cst)

Webinar , United States

A follow up to "The UCard Experience" which focused on UCard basics, this session takes a deeper dive into how your existing and future members can benefit from UnitedHealthcare's new UCard. Grow your business by promoting all the advantages the […]