

DEVOTED-Grassroots marketing and social media(12pm EST)

Webinar , United States

Grassroots marketing and social media We'll cover grassroots marketing and social media to build relationships and engage in the local community. Learn how to create brand awareness, drive sales, and generate referrals using these strategies. https://devotedhealth.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iNCK08OVTrmzYjicEN_wfQ?utm_campaign=%5BBroker%5D%20Trainings&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=288756593&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_lDNqLWzH3RZnwhJ8lt51ZwC18rkpwrBbH-vzG_VeYroPuhNhpDqJNVjGRUCVmzMD7yD_9_2g5Y21srifmuYKm6mlF1A&utm_content=288756593&utm_source=hs_email#/registration

UHC-Dental Hearing Vision for MA/MA-PD(11am cst)

Webinar , United States

UnitedHealthcare's new enhanced dental benefit will give your members even more to smile about.  UnitedHealthcare Vision benefits provide services that help protect our members' eyesight and save them money on eyewear. Members can get a yearly routine eye exam at […]

UHC-D-SNP Opportunity(1pm cst)

Webinar , United States

Grow your book of business while assisting consumers with unique needs! This training covers the benefits of having a D-SNP, the sales and marketing opportunity, and how to start a sales conversation helping dual eligible consumers. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwofu6ppjkuHdfxHCWeahNR-ZtTqKAHw3g4#/registration

UHC-UHC Plans in Practice (2PM)


UHC Plans in Practice - This session will focus on simplifying and showing a different way of relating UHC plans & benefits in Phoenix Market, focusing on the member needs. https://zoom.us/j/92812463948?pwd=VE9kdk5STUNmQ1Jxemg0ZVZEM3hHZz09#success

UHC-Understanding K, L, & N(1pmPT)

Webinar , United States

Understanding K, L, & N in AK, AZ, CA, HI, OR & WA for AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans insured by UnitedHealthcare® Insurance Company Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iyFcqXmoSRKMeQA-NoE8MA#/registration

UHC- Jarvis (11AM CENTRAL)

Webinar , United States

Take advantage of Jarvis, your agent portal! This live demonstration will walk you through access, navigation, features and functions to include: how to register for a National Live Training Sessions, current news, provider search tools, application status, commissions, communications, eligibility […]

UHC-Tricare For Life/Veterans 10AM

Webinar , United States

Learn to develop new opportunities in the military retirees and veterans communities. This training is a deep dive into understanding how current coverage works for both TRICARE For Life and Veterans. https://zoom.us/j/91582119889?pwd=eThBaTNBOE1qOVdqQUcyaFJWbCtiZz09#success

UHC-MA-OEP Election Period (11AM CENTRAL)

Webinar , United States

Enroll consumers in the right plan at the right time! This training will review the MA-OEP Election Period with scenario-based examples, training resources and best practices for successful enrollments. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0sduyuqTguGdeojuZ2yZvAll4sPzogN9QR#/registration

UHC-Low Income Subsidy/Extra Help (LIS) (11AM CENTRAL)

Webinar , United States

Grow your book of business while assisting consumers with unique needs! This training covers how the program works, sales and marketing opportunities, and more! https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUqdeuurz8rGtQXR712yZuT3_ALial6KSVO#/registration