UHC-Ancillary Benefits (2PM)

Webinar , United States

Ancillary Benefits - Learn the value added benefits that UHC offers your members, including dental levels, rider and dental provider search methods. https://zoom.us/j/99223759852?pwd=L0NPSWlUc0JOVTJHa2hBdGFHZy9MQT09

Humana Medicare Supplements

Webinar , United States

Registration: https://humana.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpc-qhpzouGtROVJ9XL-_lOb-QywxMDRSA#/registration  

UHC-Why UnitedHealthcare? (12PM CENTRAL)


Experience the value of UnitedHealthcare! Join this live session to learn about our brand, our mission and our values. We’ll cover the agent experience, the member experience, resources and more. Whether you’re a new agent or a seasoned professional, being comfortable and knowledgeable sharing the UHC Experience can help you grow your business! https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEud-mgpzMjEtBTw_zoAvfj6vTM_eHNskLz#/registration


Webinar , United States

Take advantage of Jarvis, your agent portal! This live demonstration will walk you through access, navigation, features and functions to include: how to register for a National Live Training Sessions, current news, provider search tools, application status, commissions, communications, eligibility tools, plan details, market demographics and more. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIqdeivrTIuEtNmSP7on0c3T8uqaFHndbNO#/registration

UHC-Virtual Coffee and Chat (10am AZ)

Webinar , United States

Important Updates, Quick Tips & Special Guest Speaker Spotlight https://zoom.us/j/93870631043?pwd=Q1pqdSs1cEtRY1M4OTF2a1hUUWYwZz09

UHC- DSNP Opportunitu (1pm CENTRAL)

Webinar , United States

Grow your book of business while assisting consumers with unique needs! This training will review the basics of Dual Special Need Plans (DSNP), eligibility requirements, best practices for success in the DSNP market and recommendations for enrolling and retaining DSNP eligibles. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrde2tpzojE92KaDzWxYj3QntA8ww0zzfq#/registration

UHC- Member Retention 2pm (CENTRAL)

Webinar , United States

This session will address why retention is important to you and growing your book of business. We'll discuss your value to the Member, their expectations, and how to retain the Member year over year. There will be best practices you can apply to mitigate plan disenrollment and avoid CTMs (Complaint Tracking Modules). https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcocO2gqjItHNz6YkGbHfPZtDklXfD9ifoJ#/registration

UHC- New To Medicare Supplement (12pm AZ)

Webinar , United States

New to Medicare Supplement for AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans insured by UnitedHealthcare® in AK, AZ, CA, HI, OR & WA Click to Register  

UHC-New Agent Orientation (11am CENTRAL)

Webinar , United States

Welcome to your partnership with UnitedHealthcare! This training begins your journey to sales success and includes live demo and an overview of training resources available to agents, such as Jarvis, Learning Lab, LEAN, UnitedHealthcare Agent Toolkit and more. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpfuGspjstHtb1z5jTAdezIw1zTHjKQuur#/registration

UHC-Low Income Subsidy/Extra Help (LIS) (12pm CENTRAL)


Grow your book of business while assisting consumers with unique needs! This training covers how the program works, sales and marketing opportunities, and more! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER