

Humana: Enrollment HUB

During this session we will demonstrate how to complete a Medicare Supplement Enrollment 11am-12pm Arizona time Register here: Webinar Registration - Zoom

Aetna: 2023 Product Training

MA/MAPD 9am-10am AZ time   Microsoft Teams Meeting: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjRkZWExN2EtZTUxYi00NGQ3LWExNGEtYmY5MjI1OGYwMDE4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22fabb61b8-3afe-4e75-b934-a47f782b8cd7%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22baea9333-7c1c-4dab-ba4b-f17d590b6f7b%22%7d   Call in #: 1-860-785-4641 Passcode: 286 224 411 911

UHC: Arizona and Nevada Live Chat for AARP Medicare Supplement Plans

In this live chat Angelo Terese will be covering those "one of a kind" situations that may come up and other topics such as: Rating Underwriting & Guaranteed Issue Value-Added Services And much more!   10am-10:45am Arizona time Register at: […]

Humana: Pharmacy Calculator Tool

This tool allows you to estimate drug costs, demonstrate which pharmacies can lower your member`s drug costs, and show the cost savings between name brand and generic drugs. We will show you how to use it to best serve your […]

Humana: Connection Hub

During this session we will demonstrate how to create marketing lists and campaigns and how to send out letters. 11am-12pm Arizona time Register here: Webinar Registration - Zoom

Humana: FastApp Med Supp

FastApp is a web-based electronic enrollment tool that can be easily accessed via the Humana Vantage Agent portal. There is nothing to download and no extra requests to make. During this webinar we will demonstrate the application process and complete […]

UHC: Arizona and Nevada Live Chat for AARP Medicare Supplement Plans

In this live chat Angelo Terese will be covering those "one of a kind" situations that may come up and other topics such as: Rating Underwriting & Guaranteed Issue Value-Added Services And much more!   10am-10:45am Arizona time Register at: […]

Aetna: 2023 Product Training

MA/MAPD 9am-10am AZ time Microsoft Teams Meeting: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZjdmNGI0MzctMWJjMS00Y2JlLTgwZjMtN2ZkMjhkNDEzODAy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22fabb61b8-3afe-4e75-b934-a47f782b8cd7%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2222661b89-9b37-4bd7-8c5a-c97f1c3622d4%22%7d   Call in #: 1-860-785-4641 Passcode: 839 634 221#

UHC: Arizona and Nevada Live Chat for AARP Medicare Supplement Plans

In this live chat Angelo Terese will be covering those "one of a kind" situations that may come up and other topics such as: Rating Underwriting & Guaranteed Issue Value-Added Services And much more!   10am-10:45am Arizona time Register at: […]