

Humana – 10 Step Sales Process for MAPD

Feel confident from your initial introduction all the way to setting up your follow up appointment with a client May 3rd 2pm EST Register now

UHC Technology

Learn quick tips to more easily navigate and use UHC technology, including LEAN, Jarvis, Learning Lab, Agent Toolkit, and more to help grow your business. 5/9/2023 Tues 10:00 AM 11:30 PM https://zoom.us/j/97289537257?pwd=eGV0dTNsdk9JZ3ZkeHB3QnpjZ2dSZz09  

UHC Virtual Coffee and Chat

Virtual Coffee and Chat - Special Guest Speaker Spotlight: One Medical, plus Important Updates, Quick Tips 5/11/2023 Thurs 10:00 AM 11:00 AM https://zoom.us/j/93391976580?pwd=YnFoRmwrNWtDRTFQM1RWL1hNK1M1Zz09

UHC Year Round Selling Opportunities

Learn about the plans that have year-round opportunities and where to find them! This will include DSNP, CSNP, LIS, and Election Periods to help you maximize opportunities. 5/16/2023 Tues 9:30 AM 11:00 AM https://zoom.us/j/98724254669?pwd=SWZ5UjhwNWVoam9RYWsrVzVBNVRRZz09


Adobe Care and Wellness supports the Medicare Line of Business in Rural Areas where Social Determinants of health are the highest. By attending this webinar you will be educated on the Value Added Services your members will be receiving in […]

Wellcare – 20 Minute Tuesday

Click to Join "20 MINUTE TUESDAY"   Let us help you learn more about our 2023 Wellcare products or give you helpful broker tips & tools during our multiple upcoming Arizona webinars. Training topic is based upon audience needs so […]

UHC Tricare For Life/Veterans

Learn to develop new opportunities in the military retirees and veterans communities. This training is a deep dive into understanding how current coverage works for both TRICARE For Life and Veterans. 5/18/2023 Thurs 1:00 PM 2:30 PM https://zoom.us/j/95523800409?pwd=S2VlVHllcTUzZWJIVlNCeVpObWhxQT09

UHC – Supp State-Specific Deep-Dives (AZ)

This in-depth product training is packed with helpful information about AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, insured by UnitedHealthcare® Insurance Company including the differences between Medicare supplement and Medicare Advantage, rate structures, value-added services and more. AZ Plans May 19, 2023 11:00 AM-12:30 […]

Local Area Marketing

Learn how to self-generate leads, refresh your selling skills, and find prospects and opportunities in the Phoenix and Northern AZ market. What are your differentiators? Learn how to & proven strategies for a growing a successful Medicare business with strong […]

Wellcare – AZ Broker Trainings & Open forum

Arizona Broker Trainings & Open Forum / Q&A sessions "Why Wellcare Wednesday" Let us help you learn more about our 2023 Wellcare products or give you helpful broker tips & tools during our multiple upcoming Arizona webinars. Training topic is […]