

UHC: How to Conduct a Compliant Meeting

Meeting #: 914 4131 9557 Passcode: 279327 Call in #: 1-669-900-6833 https://zoom.us/j/91441319557?pwd=N0RGUkE2MC81aG5uZys1enRXS29lZz09

Humana: Vantage Training

Learn about Vantage, our online Agent portal and the many tools and resources within. 2pm-3pm Arizona time Meeting Registration - Zoom

UHC: Arizona DSNP

Learn more about the UHC Dual Special Needs Plan available this year in Arizona Meeting #: 996 2548 4058 Passcode: 766228 Call in #: 1-669-900-6833 https://zoom.us/j/99625484058?pwd=ZC8xQnhHNXVXYW8rWWNSU1FITmlzQT09

Wellcare: Workbench Overview

10am-11am AZ time (No ID needed - this is a Microsoft Teams meeting) Join conversation (microsoft.com)  

UHC: Plans Made Simple

Meeting #: 960 4079 0343 Passcode: 496528 Call in #: 1-669-900-6833 https://zoom.us/j/96040790343?pwd=STc2K1lBV2NYc1VrOUpYejNHaDdqZz09

UHC: Planning for Success

Meeting #: 912 6335 8935 Passcode: 999555 Call in #: 1-669-900-6833 https://zoom.us/j/91263358935?pwd=OXZtSFhzY2NGNGxCUUhZRzhodVMwQT09

Humana: Medicare Boot Camp Tucson

In-Person training that will provide a deep-dive overview of Humana Plan benefits and services. 9am-3pm Arizona time Register at: Microsoft Forms (office.com)

UHC: Arizona CSNP

Learn more about the UHC Chronic Special Needs Plans offered in Arizona. Meeting #: 984 2436 7738 Passcode: 999555 Call in #: 1-669-900-6833 https://zoom.us/j/98424367738?pwd=MllKbUQ3SUhUdVVVWlUrQWhKc01oQT09