

Humana: Vantage Training

Learn about Vantage, our online Agent portal and the many tools and resources within. 2pm-3pm Arizona time Meeting Registration - Zoom

UHC: Arizona DSNP

Learn more about the UHC Dual Special Needs Plan available this year in Arizona Meeting #: 996 2548 4058 Passcode: 766228 Call in #: 1-669-900-6833 https://zoom.us/j/99625484058?pwd=ZC8xQnhHNXVXYW8rWWNSU1FITmlzQT09

Wellcare: Workbench Overview

10am-11am AZ time (No ID needed - this is a Microsoft Teams meeting) Join conversation (microsoft.com)  

UHC: Plans Made Simple

Meeting #: 960 4079 0343 Passcode: 496528 Call in #: 1-669-900-6833 https://zoom.us/j/96040790343?pwd=STc2K1lBV2NYc1VrOUpYejNHaDdqZz09

UHC: Planning for Success

Meeting #: 912 6335 8935 Passcode: 999555 Call in #: 1-669-900-6833 https://zoom.us/j/91263358935?pwd=OXZtSFhzY2NGNGxCUUhZRzhodVMwQT09

Humana: Medicare Boot Camp Tucson

In-Person training that will provide a deep-dive overview of Humana Plan benefits and services. 9am-3pm Arizona time Register at: Microsoft Forms (office.com)

UHC: Arizona CSNP

Learn more about the UHC Chronic Special Needs Plans offered in Arizona. Meeting #: 984 2436 7738 Passcode: 999555 Call in #: 1-669-900-6833 https://zoom.us/j/98424367738?pwd=MllKbUQ3SUhUdVVVWlUrQWhKc01oQT09

Humana: Dental and Vision Training

Humana now covers Implants with our New Individual " Humana Extend" Product for all ages. Our Medicare plans also include dental and vision benefits. We will cover the resources available for you to learn about and market these products. We […]