

Aetna: Producer World Overview

We will give you a tour of our go-to site for information, tools and reports for Aetna Individual Medicare products. 9:30am-10:30am Arizona Time Review & Register (aetnamedicareagenttraining.com)

UHC: New Agent Training

Phoenix Market -(< 3 Hours) 2022 Materials - VIRTUAL https://zoom.us/j/93609250066?pwd=Q0VLNFpSd3picEd3cVhmT1BJeU9mZz09 Call in #: 1 669 900 6833 Meeting #: 936 0925 0066 Passcode: 504842 1pm-4pm AZ time

UHC: Compliance Training

Phoenix Market - (1 Hour) 2022 Materials https://zoom.us/j/99186017973?pwd=YzhCQjNaUmZyOEkyZVczRVVRcjl3Zz09 Call in #: 1 669 900 6833 Meeting #: 991 8601 7973 Passcode: 189723 1pm-2pm AZ time