

Humana: VA Healthcare Training

Ron Williams will teach how to understand VA Healthcare and how to assist Veterans with a Medicare Advantage plan Webinar Registration - Zoom 9am-10am AZ time

UHC: Product Training

https://zoom.us/j/92749176770?pwd=cWlSNmdyVWRHRm1hOTk0SWJkVnYvdz09 Call in #: 1 669 900 6833 Meeting #: 927 4917 6770 Passcode: 136918 10am-11:30am AZ time

Humana: Find a Doctor Tool

Javier Barbosa will review a Live demonstration of our provider search tool to help you quickly find in-network providers. Www.humana.com/findadoctor Meeting Registration - Zoom 8am-8:30am AZ time


https://zoom.us/j/98528195952?pwd=dkRPQnRlTFFiWXEweEdJMWhTTksyQT09 Call in #: 1 669 900 6833 Meeting #: 985 2819 5952 Passcode: 652168 10am-11am AZ time

UHC: Marketing 101

Taking Full Advantage of the UHC Toolkit & Other Ways to Help You Grow Your Book of Business This Year! (Full 1 Hour Session) https://zoom.us/j/92039461766?pwd=bU5kamRpR0E5MzZrSkhxaDBvTk90UT09 Call in #: 1 669 900 6833 Meeting #: 920 3946 1766 Passcode: 148098 1pm-2pm […]

Humana: Sales Technology Tools

Javier Barbosa will review the Vantage portal live both enrollment tools and client retention and marketing tools. Meeting Registration - Zoom 11:30am-12:30pm AZ time