Humana: VA-Tricare and CHAMPVA
Learn the basics of Tricare, CHAMPVA and VA for veterans and how they work with MA and MAPD plans 9am-10am Arizona time Webinar Registration - Zoom
Learn the basics of Tricare, CHAMPVA and VA for veterans and how they work with MA and MAPD plans 9am-10am Arizona time Webinar Registration - Zoom
10am-10:30am Arizona time Meeting #: 941 5384 0391 Passcode: 391962 Call in #: 1-669-900-6833 Launch Meeting - Zoom
2022 Materials Meeting #: 936 0925 0066 Passcode: 504842 Call in #: 1-669-900-6833 Launch Meeting - Zoom
2022 Materials Meeting#: 991 8601 7973 Passcode: 189723 Call in #: 1-669-900-6833 Launch Meeting - Zoom
A webinar from Cigna Supplemental Benefits can help you learn more about our product portfolio, efficiently utilize our agent tools, and increase your sales. 1pm-1:45pm Arizona time Register here: Cigna WebEx - Register Meeting
A webinar from Cigna Supplemental Benefits can help you learn more about our product portfolio, efficiently utilize our agent tools, and increase your sales. 1pm-1:45pm Arizona time Register here: Cigna WebEx - Register Meeting
A webinar from Cigna Supplemental Benefits can help you learn more about our product portfolio, efficiently utilize our agent tools, and increase your sales. 10am-10:45am Arizona time Register here: Cigna WebEx - Register Meeting
Important Updates, Quick Tips & Special Spotlight: LOCAL UHC CERTIFICATION & OPPORTUNITY MONTH 10am-11am Arizona time Call in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting #: 910 7246 7838 Passcode: 282300 Launch Meeting - Zoom
2pm-2:30pm Arizona time call in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting #: 949 2034 7161 Passcode: 403152 Launch Meeting - Zoom
Setting Goals, Getting Involved, Getting Resources Together and TAKING ACTION to build your book of business with UHC! 8:30am-9:15am Call in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting #: 996 1087 0932 Passcode: 839090 Launch Meeting - Zoom
10am-11am Call in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting #: 930 2231 5097 Passcode: 500622 Launch Meeting - Zoom
How to Complete a Medicare Supplement Application During this session we will demonstrate how to complete a Medicare Supplement Enrollment 11am Arizona time Register at: Webinar Registration - Zoom