

SCAN: Selling Year-Round with SCAN CSNP’s

Learn how you can be the hero to your clients with SCAN’s Chronic Special Needs Plans.  Our CSNP’s offer comprehensive medical coverage and lower-cost prescription options to help reduce your clients’ out-of-pocket costs. 10:00am MST Webinar Registration - Zoom

Wellcare: Silver & Fit

Lourdy Soto will share the Fitness opportunities for members 1pm-2pm Arizona time Launch Meeting - Zoom

Humana: Enrollment Hub

During this session we will demonstrate how to complete an Individual Dental and/or Vision enrollment. Webinar Registration - Zoom 2pm Eastern time (11am AZ time)

Humana: Enrollment Hub

Humana`s Enrollment HUB is an online and offline enrollment tool that provides an end-to-end workflow and improves the speed and accuracy of enrollment. During this webinar we will demonstrate how to use Enrollment HUB. Webinar Registration - Zoom 2pm Eastern […]

Humana: Humana Portal – Vantage Tools

Learn to navigate the agent's portal page- Humana Vantage and take advantage of all the tools that make doing business easier https://humana.zoom.us/j/95823323496?pwd=ZGh6SHBid0ExUDN4aittWE5hcHN0Zz09&from=addon 2pm-3pm AZ time