UHC: Product Training
https://zoom.us/j/92749176770?pwd=cWlSNmdyVWRHRm1hOTk0SWJkVnYvdz09 Call in #: 1 669 900 6833 Meeting #: 927 4917 6770 Passcode: 136918 10am-11:30am AZ time
https://zoom.us/j/92749176770?pwd=cWlSNmdyVWRHRm1hOTk0SWJkVnYvdz09 Call in #: 1 669 900 6833 Meeting #: 927 4917 6770 Passcode: 136918 10am-11:30am AZ time
During this session we will demonstrate how to complete a Medicare Supplement Enrollment Webinar Registration - Zoom 2pm EST (11am in Arizona)
Registration (gotowebinar.com) 12pm-1:30pm AZ time
Javier Barbosa will review a Live demonstration of our provider search tool to help you quickly find in-network providers. Www.humana.com/findadoctor Meeting Registration - Zoom 8am-8:30am AZ time
https://zoom.us/j/98528195952?pwd=dkRPQnRlTFFiWXEweEdJMWhTTksyQT09 Call in #: 1 669 900 6833 Meeting #: 985 2819 5952 Passcode: 652168 10am-11am AZ time
Taking Full Advantage of the UHC Toolkit & Other Ways to Help You Grow Your Book of Business This Year! (Full 1 Hour Session) https://zoom.us/j/92039461766?pwd=bU5kamRpR0E5MzZrSkhxaDBvTk90UT09 Call in #: 1 669 900 6833 Meeting #: 920 3946 1766 Passcode: 148098 1pm-2pm AZ time
Javier Barbosa will review the Vantage portal live both enrollment tools and client retention and marketing tools. Meeting Registration - Zoom 11:30am-12:30pm AZ time
During this webinar we will demonstrate the application process and complete an Medicare Supplement enrollment application. Webinar Registration - Zoom 2pm Eastern time (11am AZ time)
The Studio is your one-stop online tool for Individual Medicare marketing materials. Let us help you find, customize, download and print materials for your campaigns. You’ll find everything from flyers and ads to mailers and posters. 9am-9:30am Arizona Time Review & Register (aetnamedicareagenttraining.com)
Ron Williams will provide guidance when to enroll Tricare and CHAMP VA beneficiaries in a MA plan Webinar Registration - Zoom 9am-10:30am AZ time
This tool allows you to estimate drug costs, demonstrate which pharmacies can lower your member`s drug costs, and show the cost savings between name brand and generic drugs. We will show you how to use it to best serve your members. Webinar Registration - Zoom 2pm EST (11am in Arizona)
Registration (gotowebinar.com) 8am-9am AZ time