Humana: Provider Training – Iora

For agents with clients in AZ, CO, GA, NC, TX & WA Please join us to learn more Iora Health and their patient focused care model. We will also discuss how they partner with brokers to help members get access to the care they need. 12pm AZ time Meeting Registration - Zoom

Aetna: Quote and Enroll

Product training 12:30pm-2pm Arizona time Registration (

UHC: New Agent Training – Phx Market

Going over 2022 Materials 1pm-3pm Arizona time Meeting #936 0925 0066 Passcode: 504842 Phone number to call in: 1-699-900-6833

UHC: Compliance Training – Phx Market

2022 Materials 1pm-2pm Arizona time Meeting #991 8601 7973 Passcode: 189723 Phone number to call in: 1-669-900-6833

Humana: Provider Training – Oak Street Health

For agents with clients in AZ, AL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MI, MO, MS, NC, NM, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, TN & TX Please join us to learn about Oak Street's model of care and impact it can have on your member's health. We will also discuss how they partner with brokers […]

Aetna: Medicare Marketing Studio

The Studio is your one-stop online tool for Individual Medicare marketing materials. Let us help you find, customize, download and print materials for your campaigns. You’ll find everything from flyers and ads to mailers and posters. 9am-9:30am Arizona Time Review & Register (

Humana: Veterans Training

Learn the basics of Tricare for live and CHAMPVA and how they work with Medicare Advantage 9am-10:30am AZ time Webinar Registration - Zoom

Humana: Pharmacy

A primary concern for seniors is how & where they will get their prescriptions.  Learn how you can be a hero to your clients utilizing Humana Pharmacy. 11am AZ time Meeting Registration - Zoom

Humana: 2022 National Veterans Roadshow Virtual Event

A closer look at Humana's honor plans & Veteran Bold Goal efforts Gain insights into Humana's involvement with VSOs including VFW, AMVETS, and DAV Attend the live 2022 National Veterans Roadshow Virtual Event and receive a kit shipped directly to your door with tools to help you connect with your veteran community. 12pm Arizona Time […]

Aetna: Producer World Overview

We will give you a tour of our go-to site for information, tools and reports for Aetna Individual Medicare products. 10am-11am Arizona Time Review & Register (