

Humana: Humana Pharmacy

A primary concern for seniors is how & where they will get their prescriptions.  Learn how you can be a hero to your clients utilizing Humana Pharmacy. Meeting Registration - Zoom 2pm EST

UHC: New Agent Training – Phoenix Market

2022 Materials - VIRTUAL 9am AZ time https://zoom.us/j/93609250066?pwd=Q0VLNFpSd3picEd3cVhmT1BJeU9mZz09 Call in: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting #: 936 0925 0066 Passcode: 504842

UHC: Compliance Training – Phoenix Market

2022 Materials - VIRTUAL 1pm AZ time https://zoom.us/j/99186017973?pwd=YzhCQjNaUmZyOEkyZVczRVVRcjl3Zz09 Call in: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting #: 991 8601 7973 Passcode: 189723

Humana Free Standing Dental-Vision plans

Learn the different freestanding Dental plans Humana offer in 2022, and how you can increase your revenue.  New plans and new bonus program. 2pm https://humana.zoom.us/j/97671213148?pwd=NGE0QTRwdFkyVkNBKzFzdVptR0lJdz09&from=addon

UHC: Medicare Supplement Mornings

"Grab your morning drink of choice and join me for Medicare Supplement Mornings with Rebecca Mest, Regional Sales Director, for AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans from UnitedHealthcare® for Arizona!  I will provide updates on a variety of topics. This is an […]