

UHC-Special Election Periods for MA/MA-PD (11am Central)

Webinar , United States

Enroll consumers in the right plan at the right time! This training will review the SEP Election Periods with scenario-based examples, training resources and best practices for successful enrollments. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwrcOitrjwpHNf0OX8pi1gETgnrGdR-0Gp3#/registration

UHC-LEAN Application for MA/MA-PD(11am Central)

Webinar , United States

Learn how LEAN can make submitting your MA/MA-PD applications faster, easier and more efficient! This training will show you basic navigation, how to complete the application, the remote signature process, and the Health Assessment. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJctcOuqpzIrG9SchuI4vdtTSFw3yqb91yrk#/registration

WELLCARE-Spendables Card Overview (10am MST)

Webinar , United States


UHC- Plans in Practice

Webinar , United States

UHC Plans in Practice - Find out about all UHC plans and best practices. https://zoom.us/j/95337968565?pwd=Q3R0ZEFYOURnQk5sRm1FWUhEblpwQT09#success

WELLCARE-New Agent Training (10amMST)

Webinar , United States

New Agent Training https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%3Ameeting_ZTcyMDZhOTktNTA1Yi00MGZhLTlhMzEtZDBiNGU5OGQyMDY5%40thread.v2%2F0%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%2522f45ccc07-e57e-4d15-bf6f-f6cbccd2d395%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%252218477f44-b71f-4c38-a97c-096341fff98f%2522%257d%26anon%3Dtrue&type=meetup-join&deeplinkId=cfe46809-817b-4ce5-96fe-dbd7c40467bf&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&suppressPrompt=true

UHC- New Agent Training (IN PERSON)

Archwell-Papago 4420 E McDowell Rd, Phoenix, AZ, United States

New Agent Training - IN PERSON - RSVP to [email protected] - Learn about traditional Medicare, compliance, UHC and helpful tools critical to a new agent.

UHC-Tricare For Life/Veterans

Webinar , United States

Tricare For Life/Veterans - Learn to develop new opportunities in the military retirees and Veteran's communities. This training is a deep dive into understanding how current coverage works for both TRICARE For Life and Veterans. https://zoom.us/j/99325358195?pwd=MDZpT1ZNU1A4cEQ3YUQ5eGNLeGFNdz09#success