

UHC-AZ MAPD Networks

Webinar , United States

AZ MAPD Networks - Learn about the nuances of the AZ networks and best practices. https://zoom.us/j/92078780866?pwd=SzkvL0Z3bmpjbTg4NCtocWtUL05LUT09#success

CIGNA-Military health benefits & MA

Webinar , United States

Learn how Veterans can benefit from enrolling in a Cigna Healthcare MA plan in addition to using their VA or TRICARE for Life benefits. We'll show you how to grow your business while serving our Veteran Medicare beneficiaries. Register: https://glbmeet.webex.com/weblink/register/r5ac7fe82b90356b95e7e34057ef07072 […]

CIGNA-Choosing the right enrollment period for MA

Webinar , United States

Do you have questions about MA Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs)? You are not alone. Join us for this informative training to help you understand how to leverage SEPs to increase your sales throughout the year. Register: https://glbmeet.webex.com/weblink/register/r7a6e281fe63e8cea5542119e9d493f77

UHC-Virtual Coffee and Chat(AZ)

Webinar , United States

Virtual Coffee and Chat - Important Updates, Quick Tips & Special Guest Speaker Spotlight: Melinda Knauss https://zoom.us/j/93830612168?pwd=N1dFTFkwQlUveEhSdUtVTXZEK1dNdz09#success

CIGNA-Sales that stick: Retention Strategies

Webinar , United States

Building a retention strategy is crucial to building your customer base – not only in retaining your customers, but also in gaining referrals all year. Join us to learn how to develop your plan to grow your business. Register: https://glbmeet.webex.com/weblink/register/rd049ee5c28f4edfc95eeaa80da37674b […]

UHC-2025 Certification Process

Webinar , United States

2025 Certification Process/Learning Lab Open Mic  (30 Min) https://zoom.us/j/98059222670?pwd=EmbECegMuWNn7mJ5yKulpauVNmzvN4.1#success

CIGNA-Salesforce Lead Management

Webinar , United States

Unsure about how to manage and disposition your Salesforce leads? Join us for this training to learn how to correctly manage your leads and increase sales. https://glbmeet.webex.com/weblink/register/r43b5944ced75532ca22c2832918d3a93    


CenterWell Maryvale 6544 W Thomas Rd #11, Phoenix, AZ, United States

CSNP: Chronic Special Needs Plan - IN PERSON - RSVP needed - Learn more about plans designed to help those with Diabetes or Heart Conditions and the SPECIAL ELECTION PERIODS that apply. Click to RSVP

UHC-Tricare For Life/Veterans

Webinar , United States

Tricare For Life/Veterans - Virtual - Learn to develop new opportunities in the military retirees and veterans communities. This training is a deep dive into understanding how current coverage works for both TRICARE For Life and Veterans. https://zoom.us/j/97354945504?pwd=YXlTVUlnKzNyTWlxVjRLalNpRTA0UT09#success

CIGNA-Choosing the right enrollment period for MA

Do you have questions about MA Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs)? You are not alone. Join us for this informative training to help you understand how to leverage SEPs to increase your sales throughout the year. Register: https://glbmeet.webex.com/weblink/register/rb08dd85a5d26f050c91e55b62ee6f5bb