If your client missed the Initial Enrollment Period, the next time he or she can sign up for Part B will be during the General Enrollment Period unless they qualify for a Special Election Period.
General Enrollment Period (January 1st – March 31st): If your client does not sign up for Medicare Part B during the Initial Enrollment Period and does not carry creditable health coverage with a current employer, then the client can request Part B from January 1st-March 31st. Coverage will begin the following month. Your client may also be subject to a 10% penalty to their Part B monthly premium for as long as he or she continues Part B coverage.
Scenario 1: For Instance, Mary’s 65th birthday is on June 22. Mary forgets to sign up for Part B during her seven month Initial Enrollment Period (March 1st – September 30th), so she must wait until January 1st thru March 31st to sign up for Part B. Mary did not have other creditable coverage during her gap so her Part B monthly premium may increase by 10%.
For more information on the General Enrollment Period go to Medicare.gov.
Not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program.