Medicare Plan Exits: Exploring the Medicare Plan Non-Renewal SEP

Approaching the Annual Election Period starting October 15th, most Medicare beneficiaries think about keeping their existing plan or changes they could make for the following year. However, sometimes Medicare Advantage or Part D plan doesn’t renew its contract with Medicare

Marketing Medicare: Grow Your Business With Provider Marketing

Marketing your Medicare business is necessary to continually reach more potential clients and grow your business. Effective marketing is achieved by utilizing multiple marketing channels and approaches. Most agents will typically start with direct to consumer marketing channels (Client Facing),

Agent Guide to Medicare Enrollment Periods

Navigating the complex world of Medicare can be overwhelming and confusing to your clients, particularly when it comes to understanding the various enrollment periods. These enrollment periods play a crucial role in determining when and how they can enroll in

Medicare agent doing an educational event

Mastering the Rules of a Medicare Sales Event

Planning and executing a successful Medicare sales event requires a thorough understanding of the rules and guidelines set by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). We will delve into the essential rules you need to follow to ensure

4 Medicare Changes You Need to Know For 2023

There are many changes coming to Medicare this year due to the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and other Medicare policies. Some changes will affect everyone on Medicare with adjustments to premiums, deductibles, and prescription costs.  Other changes will

Can Non-U.S. Citizens Qualify for Medicare?

Do you qualify for Medicare if you are not a U.S. Citizen? If you are a non-citizen living in the United States, you may still qualify to enroll in Medicare if you meet certain requirements and are a lawfully present